On Sunday... Shawn turned 5 and to see him here only 5 days old vs. today is a huge wake up call that time flies.
He had a blast with family and friends and he ran his little heart out. Lol.
It's crazy... I never thought I would be a good mom because of my patience... But having him definitely changed that.
He has made me have purpose in my life and he came into this world at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and ready to show me what true love was between a mother and a son. 💜.
You have forever changed me... And it has been nothing but great since you came into our lives.
Why did I ever fear this?? God's plan was in the works... It had to happen this way... We never understand it and we aren't supposed to... Just embrace it and have faith it will work out and it did.
Happy 5th Birthday Shawn Matthew... Your mommy and daddy adore you. You make has laugh and get a little frustrated sometimes too... Because you are clever and quick to come back... Not sure where he gets that from