Day 1 peeps of the hardest program I have ever done... No weights for a while... Mixing it up!! Love that it is only 25 minutes though... I am pouring the sweat... Heck even my arms and legs are sweating because Cardio was hardio.. Eeekkkkk... But I am still alive!!
(I got crazy hair and I was smart enough to put in the contacts for this one... No flying glasses on my watch!! Lol)
Today's thought
💜 You have choice to make!! 💜
Ya'll don't even understand... I have put off this program for almost 3 years because the trainer and the workouts scare the SH** out of me, but I always said maybe ONE day I will try it.
So I thought to myself.... What a way to bring in the new year by doing something that scares me and most definitely puts me out of my comfort zone???
Soooo I made a choice to do it... I printed out the calendars and Omgeee... I had no idea it was 10 weeks!?!? 😬😬😬😬😬😬😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱.
I almost said NOPE... But than I said that is no way to be... Just freaking do it Rebecca... Only 25 minutes a day.... It will be over quickly and who knows you might get your Cardio where it should be... Because let's be real... Rebecca is all about the weights.😕😬😊😉😁
So here I am... Day 1 of my first program that scares me... But I am ready to do my best.
Remember... You never miss a Monday... Make a choice and show yourself you are capable of anything!!