Sometimes an opportunity presents itself and your not sure what to think about it. Am I right? Have you ever felt like that?
Just like when I started this coaching biz in February of 2016...I had no clue what would come of it, BUT I did know that I loved the accountability piece of it. That if me sharing my journey could inspire others AND keep me motivated all at the same time than I was going to do it.
Sure I am still learning the biz and building a team of amazing people, but I couldn't have done it without support.. Let's face it.... I had no background in this... I work in construction. 😂. That is what I love about it too... Never alone in this! 💜
I LOVED what this business looks like, the compensation plan, the ethics, the support, the products, and most of all... My team! 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜.
They make it possible... They give me hope and at times push me out of my comfort zone because they know that I capable. I love that... Without their love and support... I would be stuck in the same place and be filled with self doubt and fear of failure.
No this business isn't a scam or scheme... It is legit and I get paid every week. It has so many benefits for growth and that is what draws me to it.
I get to be ME... Share my story... Workout and drink the BEST and yes I will fight you on this... THE BEST superfood health food shake there is. 😍😍
Nothing compares to what we have to offer and the best part??? No inventory... That's right... None... You buy your own pack for YOUR journey!!! 💜 How freaking cool is that!?
Because let's be real... This chick has a busy life and coaching people with their health and fitness goals can be done on my own time without ever having to leave the house.... Heck as I type this I am in Pj's and in bed lol! 💜
So if you are at least bit curious if you could become a coach too... I am here to tell you that you can... Just got to share and be vulnerable... Working on my goals feels amazing because I am becoming a better parent for Shawn and happier wife to Tony... Lol Everyone wins... Plus this chick has lost 55 lbs!! 💜
So if you would like more info about it... Just know I am here... Always will be!