Day 70 of 80
Cardio Flow went down and I totally was better than last week but I didn't do my frogs... I couldn't figure out why I kept finishing before them.. Lol... Duh Rebecca they are jumping there and you are standing there scratching your head lol oh well... Last one of the 47 minutes on that one.. Whew... Next week is the final week and I seen it was shorter.. Thank God!! LOL. #ireallydontlikethisone, #thiszoosucks lol
Today's thought
💜There is always one that stinks lol💜
Out of all the workouts in this program this one really grinds my gears... I really don't like it and it's mug shows up weekly ...I see and know it's purpose but I don't have to like it.
There is usually a move or a workout that I don't like within a program.. Never fails... But they are placed there for a reason... This one mentally challenges you and causes you to work with barely stopping and that improves heart health, stamina, and endurance.
Believe me, I have tried to like it... I have tried to change my mindset about it... But still feel the same... 8 reps of the repeated moves are horrendous to me and I have tried to look past it... But I can't. Lol
You are thinking Geez Rebecca... You are complaining... BUT...
Here is the best part!
My mules are higher and getting more air time, I am more flexible with those dang inch worms, and my spider pushups are the bomb diggity. Plus my step through jumps are pretty stellar... My crabs are still wobbly, but my ducks are low and tight. Lol.
See what I accomplished at this zoo?? Amazing things that I couldn't do before... Sure it sucks at times but man alive you get better for it!! 💯 . #turnthissucktrainaround
Happy Snowy Tuesday!!! Baby took 16 gulps of snow before she laid her log 💩. Oh lucky me and my weirdo dog!!