Rebecca A. Miller

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So after watching an amazing coach call this week in regards to our new platform. I have decided to take my Facebook online support OFF Facebook entirely and put it on an app that you can access through your mobile phone or through a desktop! This app is connected to our nutrition and fitness programs and will allow you to get the guides and all my content without ever going on social media!!! I have heard so many say they hate Facebook or deleted accounts because of this virus and the election, and they simply don’t want to be on social media anymore BUT I still want to support YOU!!

There are amazing features to this app that will allow you to track your weight, measurements, water, food, progress photos, and MORE…you can’t click on this image, but the file within the group works!! I have a multiple page document that directs you to all my content now! How sweet is that!!? I just require that you at least have BOD to start with me!! That is at least the workouts, but if you want it all there is this amazing package available!! CLICK HERE TO GET IT!!

Here is a tutorial of what the app looks like!!

So if you want to join the platform, just click here!!