Rebecca A. Miller

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I am going to make this a short one...The idea of getting healthy and fit takes times.  The key to making it happen is to NEVER GIVE UP!  Seriously!!  You can have OFF days, BUT straight up quiting for weeks on end isn't going to get you any closer to your goals!!  

Every time you want to quit or things get difficult, please go back to your YES moment!  What is that?  What made you say YES to this? What did your child or husband or even your co-worker say to you that made you think YEP... I gotta get busy!!   It could have been powerful, hurtful, or even inspiring...but something happened that you connected to that made you say YES to this journey! 

Seriously going back to your YES moment and recommitting to your WHY is essential to your consistency!  The crazy part?  You have to keep reminding yourself of it!  You might KNOW IT...but deep down you have to reconnect with it....emotionally!! 

So if you are on the struggle bus PLEASE remember your YES moment and keep going full steam ahead. Remember it isn't about is about PROGRESS and the only way you will see results is if you keep at it!