❌Day 75 of 90 ❌
Kenpo day again!! Absolutely my favorite workout! Getting better endurance because I wasn't nearly huffing and puffing like I usually do!! Yay!! That makes me happy!
Today's thought 💭
💜 Love yourself at every stage 💜
One thing I NEVER did is love myself at my heaviest!! . I was to busy being negative, thinking mean thoughts of how gross I felt, and just really down. I mean... How could I let myself get that far off my health goals?
One thing was for certain... I had to learn self care and love! I had to learn that even though I was overweight... I had to love myself enough to do the work... Even some days when I felt like... What is the point?!?
I always remind myself of a video that I saw where two best friends are saying to each other what they really think about themselves when they look in the mirror... The way we pick ourselves apart is terrible.
The idea is to always think before you say, because if you would never say these hurtful things to your daughter or son, then why in the world would you say them to yourself??? This video opened my eyes and made me realize what I was doing... I was starting to believe my negative thoughts and it crushed me.
So when I started to flip the script... Tell myself I am worth it, can do hard things, and picked out everything that I was good at it... My spirits were lifted which allowed me to see my value!
Our groups taught me that... By me plugging in daily I was able to change my entire thought process!! That my friend is amazing!!
Happy Friday!! Tell yourself how simply amazing you are today because you are!!