Rebecca A. Miller

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Update on Baby's appointment from Saturday with the behavioral specialist, since some of you have asked!

She was very knowledgeable... It took the whole 2 hours for Baby to even warm up to her... She kept throwing treats at her and eventually she laid her head in her lap.

She said she isn't doing this on purpose... She isn't a bad dog... It's in her genetics. Since her mom was a ferile dog... I am sure she was terrified of humans too and anything big and scary.

So most people don't know... This type of stuff gets carried down to the puppies. She does have a chemical imbalance in her brain so the vet who subscribed the medicine to her did a good job.

She said she can't help that she acts this way... She is scared but she don't want to be. She could see Baby trying to sniff her but would freak out when she got to close.

She said she wants to be brave but she is emotional too. She gave us a plan of action for when visitors came over.. They must ignore her... But throw treats at her as we talk. This will leave her thinking... Visitor's aren't so bad... I get treats!.. She said about the 3 or 4th visit from that visitor she will start to be friends.

But when people come at her... She sees scary... Not friendly... It has to be on her terms not theirs! So they can in no way reach for her, pet her, until she is ready.

Walking her was actually making her more stressed... So we have to stop those all together... She isn't ready for that.

She isn't a Rural King dog lol... She said no... You may get down the road and be able but to do that, but that is not in the plan now.

We have to plan ahead for storms/fireworks ... Give her medicine before hand so she doesn't have an anxiety attack when they happen. Last one she was drooling like crazy, panting, and shaking really bad.

All in all it sounds like a plan will be formed... She will email me a report.. But I do have a special case on my hand... In the fact she isn't a normal dog.😣

She saw Shawn cuddle her and was like she is fantastic with you guys... You are her safety net and I get what you say now... She won't do good with anyone else... So I applaud you that you are trying... Most people wouldn't! ðŸ™ŒðŸ™ŒðŸ’¯ðŸ’¯