Rebecca A. Miller

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Today I shared my story in our coaching info session group on Facebook and I wanted to share it with you too because I want you to be aware of how much coaching changed life my life.  Maybe it will help you realize that you aren't alone in your journey but through coaching gain a sense of community.  Here is the story I shared, in case you missed it it:


Hey everyone!!! My name is Rebecca Miller and I want to chat about the objection I had back when I started over 5 years ago.

I am worried what people will think 

Is that yours?! Let's talk about it....

I started well over 215+ lbs... (that is when I finally got on the scale to face it.) I was someone who was very addicted to the junk food...ate my emotions...and worst of all....couldn't keep up with at the time...2 year old son. It was a struggle.

I blacked out from my sugar being to high and at that moment I said this is enough....I am better than this...I can do better than this...I will do better than this. #onedecision

I reached out to my coach and got the 21 Day Program with Shakeology and got busy with my my first 21 days I lost 12 was magical and just what I needed to jumpstart my journey. The support group kept me motivated and I stayed the course.

My coach approached me about this business and my fear was that people would find my story gross and call me nasty for eating the junk food like I did before I started (36 candy bars a entire pizza in one sitting...and ice cream galore).

I would think who am I to help anyone when I am not at my goal weight...people will make fun and judge me.

Ya'll...none of that happened when I shared my very first story. It was all in my head.

Instead...people would cheer me on...say wow  We had no idea...your an inspiration...keep going.

Coaching gave me accountability and determination to stay the course because I made it my job to get healthy and fit.

My story helps my challengers and coaches on my team to remember to never give up....and I have helped and motivated many along the way....and to think I was worried about what others thought of me; I would have never accomplished the following:

 My A1-C went from an 8 to a 5.4
 I got amazing bloodwork
 Have a strong doc said it is 
 Be able to keep up with my son
 Feel comfortable in my clothes
 Inspire others to CARE about themselves
 Learn healthy nutrition that is sustainable
 Gain confidence...I was a shy gal
 Learn about self love and do it for ME
 I stopped self sabotage and took control
 Gained many friendships
 Have the support of a team
 Work this biz part time...I work full time
 Make additional money to help our family
 Learned how to manage addiction
 Lose 70 lbs. and over 30 inches

So much has been gained through coaching and I am beyond grateful I said YES to me and YES to this business!! 

I am not where I want to be YET...but I am not where I used to be and thanks to coaching and these amazing programs...I will simply keep going towards my goals...and I WILL reach them!!

So if you ever feel like maybe this business COULD BE for you, then fill out an application and we can chat, because who could change your life like it has mine. 

If you got any questions, please ask...I am an open book!