So loving this gut health program that I started! Getting in lots of yummy food and definitely staying full and satisfied as I go through this journey! I am down 9.6 lbs. and I can see the bloat coming off me in just 17 days! That is the difference between these two photos! I am completely blown away already and I want to continue on! So much I have learned about my body! I personally can’t do eggs, dairy, or gluten or otherwise I puff up like the marshmallow man. HAHA I am loving this process and feeling great within in it! Got to stay the course!
Today's thought
Dreams don't work unless you do
When my challengers tell me they feel great it just warms my heart because they are having all the feels...all the non-scale victories and even the scale victories!
They came to me with their goal and we got to work because they had a dream of becoming better than they were yesterday. Wishing does nothing....in the action is where real results happen!
Sure it takes effort showing up...but so does absolutely nothing....you choose to do nothing just as easily as you could choose to get movement in!
I had a dream in February 2016 that one day I wouldn't struggle with my weight and that I would be the person crushing it daily with her goals and it has happened....I am 6 years in and that dream came true because I stopped with the lame excuses and went for it!
These programs work you...they teach you how to eat properly because starving yourself won't cut it and doing Cardio 7 days a week is stupid .
There is a better way and I found it with these amazing trainers and supplements!
That is precisely why I became a coach to share these amazing tools because they sure have changed my life...wonder what they could do for you?!
Let's chat and find out together! My inbox is always open to you!
My email address is rebecca@rebeccaamiller.com.