Rebecca A. Miller

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To the person who needs to dig a little deeper....

I want to remind you of your WHY! The REASON for caring about your health in the first place! Sure we ALL want to be healthy and fit, but to me, it goes much deeper than that! We got to genuinely dig deep enough for a reason that will keep us determined and going in our journey!

It never is easy with the daily excuses, BUT with a powerful WHY and REASON - you can beat it! That is one thing I feel that I have FULLY won in my journey! The consistency is FIRE when it comes to workouts! I am still a work in progress with nutrition but that doesn't mean I give up or don't put in the effort! I still food prep and meal plan and I have these almost 7 years (will be 7 years in February 2023) and I feel it has given me my health back!

Have you found your reason? Your WHY to care?

That is one thing I feel will help excel you in your 2023 goals! Don't just workout because of a silly new year's resolution, but really pride yourself in determining what is your REAL DEEP DOWN reason for showing up!

Mine is a combination of these things and maybe they can help you think about yours:

**To have healthy bloodwork and great reports from the doctor! I was borderline diabetic and with exercise and nutrition I am not on any meds or insulin - and I want to keep it that way!

**Keep up with Shawn and be the active parent!

**Feel good in my clothes and be comfortable in my skin!

**Have the strength and quality of life that as I age - I am feeling great - not tired and stiff from lack of movement!

**A kick butt cardiovascular system and strong healthy bones and muscles!

**Avoid certain health problems that I have FULL control over!

**To have the energy to keep up with LIFE in general! I don't drink coffee so I get my energy from movement and it has never let me down!

**To be the example for Shawn - he needs to know his health is important and that it matters a great deal!

**Stay accountable to my team and my fit family! They keep me going!

**To prove that I can do hard things and it feels great when I complete every program and earn the badge! There is a sense of accomplishment with that... no one can ever take that away from me!

Never once did I say "I WANT TO BE SKINNY" - Health and wellness goes way beyond that! I know several "skinny" people who are very unhealthy and are paying the price for it today. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Truly show up for REAL LONG LASTING health and you will see this goes way beyond the physical aspects of it.

Your showing up today for your future health. Remember that!

I want to invite you to my next GET BACK TO BASCIS BOOTCAMP - accountability group - whatever you want to call it...but we will be working on our 2023 goals together and getting back to the basics.

I am offering you support, accountability, fitness, nutrition, mindset, and all the other things that go with it. You want to learn more about it? Then click the link below to learn more about SURE THING and let's really get our WHY into perspective before we begin! You with me? Let's do this together!

You got questions? I got answers - Let me know if you have any - my inbox is always open! (


Rebecca - Your tough love BODi Coach
