You decide!!
I got a shirt that says STRONGER THAN YOUR EXCUSES for Christmas last year and every time I Iook at it, it reminds of where I started and where I am going.
Autumn has really helped me with my excuses and has shown me that even though I was addicted to junk food, I didn't have to let it control and consume my life... I was in fact COMPLETELY in control of what I was putting in my mouth!
Don't say you can't do what I do.. It is a major BS excuse your telling yourself to keep you in your comfort zone. #truthbomb No you don’t have to do the extreme workouts I do - we have beginner ones if you like! Work at YOUR LEVEL, but you can do SOMETHING!
To go from the horrible habits I had to now this makes me so happy, and guess what... You can too!!
It isn't difficult folks... It truly isn't difficult to lose weight happily, still fuel your body, and not feel restricted... Trust me... If you are feeling that way, then your doing it wrong!
I invite you to learn more about the programs I am on because for me, these programs have been life changing.
I used to binge eat 36 candy bars a week, eat entire pizzas, and eat tons of ice cream. Sooooo if I can do this, YOU can too!! .#noexcuses
So many say... I can't give up this or that... Who said you had too?? . Again... Another mindset shift needs to take place! Our nutrition programs have sooo many yummy recipes!!
True Story right here...
I remember sitting in my living room one night crying... I was crying because everything felt impossible... It felt like this huge weight was on my shoulders and I couldn't breath. I was having a breakdown because I was scared. I was scared because I wasn't in control and I didn't know how to get it back. I was struggling physically and I was a new mom... How could I keep continuing to choose junk food over my life?? What was more important... Being there for Shawn or eating just more Caramello bars?? My priorities were jacked up!!
Fast forward to today and I have never felt in more control in all my life. These fitness and nutrition programs are truly game changers and they are long-term! That is why I am a health partner with them now... To not only help people like me, but to hold myself accountable, and this business opportunity is perfect because we have the total solution!! Fitness, Nutrition and Support!!
Never again will I feel like I did in that living room... I don't struggle to play with Shawn anymore... I can keep up... I can do things most people can't and it isn't to brag... It is because I am extremely grateful that the girl on the left STOPPED SAYING ONE DAY... And instead she legit had her day 1 and hasn't looked back!
I want YOU to say that too... I want to help YOU with your goals and never look back, but it starts with YOU.
I can't want this for you, you gotta want it for yourself!!
I want you in my VIP group!! I got a fresh new group with new energy and I am so excited to get better together!!
You in?
Let's chat!!