The people I help with their goals are READY to commit to change!
They are sick and tired of being sick and tired and definitely want to improve their overall health.
When I first started it was so I could lose weight to be a healthy mom and to keep up with my son at the time who was 2 when I finally committed to ME! Plus my sister's wedding was a real goal kicker too!
Sure there was no way I felt ready before that because Shawn barely slept due to his clubfeet so there was 2 years where I got 3 hours max each night.
It was rough....but after his surgery...I finally felt ready to tackle it...I blacked out at work due to my sugar being to high and so that was My WHY to never give up. I didn't want to lose my legs to diabetes because I loved the junk food so much! I was basically picking chocolate over my life every single day (I was eating 36 candy bars a week)...and for the people who yell YOLO...whatever...I am going for quality living my do you! .
My job isn't to convince you to care about yourself and I definitely shouldn't care more than you do...right??
I don't want to return back to the old me and habits, so when someone says..."I don't have your motivation"....I simply think...
You haven't reached your bottom yet. Your stopping point when you think heck no...NO MORE EXCUSES. I AM DONE!
I reached mine and that my friend is why my determination looks like I am crushing it...but in reality...I am still a work in progress!! I am not any different than you...I don't have magical powers....I simply have a strong WHY and my determination leads the way!
That is the type of person I help...the ready ones who are committed and determined for a better tomorrow.
I don't chase people...never have. You either want to better yourself or you don't!
I consider myself a tell it like I see it coach and that is because I needed that when I started! Tell me what I need to get results and so I will!
I needed that push and that reminder that this was for a purpose...this was for my health...and I couldn't give up or I would return to old ways! I had to learn this new lifestyle and you know regrets!
So many say..."it's too hard"...and while I feel for ya "somewhat" because I once was there but then again I also don't... it's an excuse that I recognize all too well and I could have said it's too hard or just put in the work. It's a simple daily decision and we over think it all the time!
So many nights in front of the TV accomplishing NOTHING! . That was the real truth and I had to come to terms with that!
Once I did...Bam...program after program was completed. This is different than your old VHS tape of workouts. truth!!
This is trainer led, calendar provided, in depth nutrition videos, form help, and a community that will help you stay the course, along with my support of course!
For the ones who are ready NOW...I am here for you. I am ready to help those that want it and are willing to change their lives for the better!
If that is you...let's talk...because there is a better way and I can help! My groups and these programs can make a difference! Let's do this together!