Be the reason you put a smile on another's face!!! Whether it be your loved ones or your kiddos. Don't be cranky all the time. They pick up on that. Show them love, happiness, and what life is all about!! Because let's face it....time flies and before you know it, they are all grown up and you don't want any regrets!!

Oh the giggles from my little boy warms this momma's heart like crazy!! I look back and some days it feels like time is running out. He is growing up so fast and it is literally like a flash before my very own eyes.

Some days I want it to slow down and others I can't wait to see how he will be at certain ages. He keeps me on my toes that is for sure, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We played outside all evening because it was gorgeous out!!

He rode his bike and we played ball. Last year he could hardly pedal...this year... he is flying with no training wheels.

Love and hold your kids close guys. People always told me they grow up fast and I believe it more and more every day!!

Rebecca MillerComment

I have to brag on Shawn today. I am beyond proud and thrilled that this kid is coming out of his shell and finally realizing his potential in his baseball skills. We have personally spent HOURS every evening passing the ball, working on grounders, batting, pitching, and that is on top of one on one coaching with Bryson. He is doing well and gaining back the confidence he lost when we started player pitch. That is a completely different animal than coach pitch. The fear of getting hit, not feeling like he was good enough, and feeling the doubt from the coaches, led him down a rabbit hole that honestly almost made him quit baseball forever.

I am glad he powered through the negative people and the harsh comments so he could finally hold his head high. He isn’t the same kid he was a year ago! I beyond proud of how far he has come in this year with his new travel baseball team. His coach is AMAZING!! He sees Shawn and his talents and makes him feel appreciated, needed, and heard. He stands out and is really giving this coach his all and wants to work hard for him. That is something I haven’t seen him do in a while because he was on the verge of quitting.

When I hear and SEE the visual confidence now, it makes my heart happy! I always knew he was good, but now he is so much better! He is physically and mentally stronger. He pitches well over 50 MPH and catches very well and is learning from Bryson like a boss. I am so proud of his work ethic, his determination, and his soul. He makes his mom so proud and he has no idea, how hard I have been rooting for him, praying for him, and just wanting him to see the potential that I do. It is within him to do great things in life. I just can’t wait to watch it unfold.

Rebecca MillerComment

So many recipes are available on our library! I checked it and it is literally over 1000 recipes right at my fingertips! So many say they can’t get their eating under control but I can help! Access to this library among gaining workouts (over 1500+) of all variety has been my solution to getting healthy and fit! I never get bored with my food because these flavors are incredible! I don’t eat out much and I save BIG time because of this! The value and the savings alone was enough for me to do these nutrition programs! So feel free to try this recipe from our RDN created nutrition program! It will be yummy, filling, and satisfying! Tell me how it goes my friend!

Rebecca MillerComment