Are you grateful??

After listening to the Gifts of Imperfections this morning about gratitude, happiness and joy! Do you have it?

I thought I did, but boy oh boy did she bring some new things to light! We go to bed being negative and we wake up that way too!

We wake up and immediately say to our self, I didn’t get enough sleep, I don’t have enough time. There is so much to do, I don’t have enough money, etc. The list goes on and on!!! Who does this??!! YIKES!!! I caught myself doing this in the last 2 weeks.

Happiness comes and goes like twinkling lights…LOL she said it and it makes perfect sense! We are happy when things go our way or things are good in our life and if not, then we are sad or depressed.

Joy comes from within and usually lasts longer than happiness…but we need to practice it all. Instead of waking up feeling all the negative, we need to wake up and fill ourselves with gratitude. What is going right? What are you grateful for each day? So start each day with…I am grateful for…. And see what happens!!! We have to control our emotions because without control…we are setting ourselves up for a stressful life!

You could also say these too:

Today I wake up filled with gratitude because_________

I am so excited about what this day will bring and all the opportunities I am about to create!

I am going to begin my day with faith and confidence by praying.

I feel healthy, strong, and beautiful today. I am proud of myself because I am working on ME!

I get to choose the person I become today! What shall I do with her now??

Today I get to love my family, spread positivity like confetti to those around me, and make people’s lives better!

I am going to make the best decisions in my life and pray when I need additional guidance.

See how much different that is? More calming…not running around being panicked all the time. I think I like this chicks’ way of thinking for sure…this book is amazing!

Just wanted to share a small piece from today’s read! ENJOY and PRACTICE it!

Rebecca MillerComment

I LOVE one of our nutrition programs!! It has us tracking our sleep to make sure we are getting enough, because if you don't....than you won't simple...BUT I know I use to struggle hard core with this. I would get 3-5 every night and still "function", but not like I am now!

I am finding my "winning" target is at LEAST 7 hours of sleep in order for me to lose weight.
LOVED THIS GRAPHIC!!! It sums it up so simply, but I wanted to share the article I found on WHY sleep is so important to your weight loss.

So here we go:

1. Sleep Can Help You Feel Less Snackish:
The cells in your stomach lining produce a hormone called ghrelin, which signals hunger — and a lack of sleep can send this hormone into overdrive. “When we’re sleep deprived, we make more ghrelin,” says Kristine Arthur, M.D., internist at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA. It’s your body’s way of telling you it needs more energy — stat — if not from shuteye, then from calories.

2. Sleep Can Stave Off Overeating
On the flip side of ghrelin, there’s leptin, the “fullness hormone” that helps you keep your portions in check. Leptin is produced in your fat cells and signals your brain when you have enough energy from food. But when you’re sleepy, leptin levels dip, making you likely to consume more calories than you really need. “Your brain’s telling you you’re hungry because you didn’t sleep — and when you do eat, [it doesn’t signal] that you’re done,” Arthur says.

3. Sleep Can Curb Unhealthy Cravings
Not only does lack of sleep increase your appetite, but research has shown it makes you more likely to reach for high-calorie snacks. In one study, participants were asked to choose from a selection of snacks—once when they were well-rested, and once when they were sleep-deprived.

On average, the snacks chosen by tired participants added up to 600 calories more than the snacks they chose after a good night’s sleep. Sleep deprivation also increases your levels of endocannabinoids, the chemicals that make eating more enjoyable—and researchers believe this can boost your obesity risk.

4. Sleep Can Reduce Stress
Lack of sleep increases your levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is known to cause your body to retain fat around the midsection. But that’s not the only way cortisol has been associated with your weight loss efforts — it also stimulates gluconeogenesis, a process that causes the body to produce more glucose.
“If you go back to a caveman running from an animal, you need that glucose to have the energy to run or fight,” Arthur says. But you shouldn’t be in survival mode 24-7! “It’s great in those acute situations, but we’re putting ourselves in a state of elevated cortisol all the time,” she adds.

5. Sleep Can Help Regulate Blood Sugar
So, what happens to all that extra glucose your body is producing when you’re short on sleep? “With higher cortisol levels on a regular basis, we’re seeing more insulin resistance,” says Arthur. Translation: Over time, you’ll need more insulin to break down the same amount of glucose. Arthur notes that even one night of sleep deprivation can have this effect: “The next day, their bodies require more insulin than they normally would to have the same stabilizing effect on their blood sugar.”

6. Sleep Can Boost Your Willpower
Sleep is the best way to recharge your batteries. Without it, Arthur says, “Your body starts looking for quick forms of energy — which typically tend to be simple sugars, carbs, that type of thing. It would be really hard, when you’re tired and your body is looking for energy, to say ‘no’ to a candy bar.”

7. Sleep Can Help Maintain Your Endurance
Lack of sleep can also impede weight loss efforts in the gym, whether you’re burning fat with high-intensity cardio or boosting your metabolism with strength training, lack of sleep can decrease your endurance and your pain tolerance, which makes it hard to go 100 percent. “People tend to feel like they’re working out harder, even though they usually aren’t,” Arthur says.

When your schedule is overwhelming, it can feel impossible to hit the sack early. But sleep deprivation, especially over the long term, can mess with your weight loss efforts in so many ways.

It’s a vicious cycle, but there’s a simple solution: Schedule time for sleep, and treat it as a non-negotiable part of your training schedule.

“Get into a pattern where you set a bedtime for yourself, and move it earlier in 15-minute increments,” Arthur says. “People do notice a difference.” As you can see, this healthy habit can help you burn more fat and is available to you whenever you really need it.

So tonight...make sure you get your zzzz's!! As you can is very important for your weight loss!

Rebecca MillerComment

Water is important and l mean like REALLY important for your journey!!

Focus on getting at LEAST half your body weight in oz. today and if you go over...FANTASTIC!!

Some info on why water is super important!! Here we go!!

DID YOU KNOW that your body is made up of 60-75% WATER? And your brain is made up of 65% water!

We NEED water for our body to function properly and to think clearly. And unfortunately, this is one of the biggest areas people overlook. When people think of health and weight loss, they generally just think about diet and exercise, but drinking enough water is equally important!

Water is vital for nearly every function in your body

We can survive for weeks without food but only 3 days without water. Lack of water can cause fatigue, short term memory loss, trouble concentrating/focusing, dizziness, irritability, constipation and headaches.

Water helps you think more clearly

Like I mentioned above, our brain is made up of 65% water. If you aren’t drinking enough water, you’re head will start to feel cloudy and you’ll have a hard time concentrating. Not drinking enough water can affect your memory and also give you feelings of anxiety. If you’re having a hard time concentrating or staying on task, try drinking a glass of water and see if it helps.

Water helps you have more energy

When you don’t consume enough water, it leads to dehydration and you’ll start to feel tired and lack motivation. It can also lead to headaches and the feeling of wanting to just take a nap. We all know that feeling where you just have no motivation and feel like you can’t take another step. If the only thing that sounds good is a nap RIGHT NOW, it could be dehydration!

Water prevents headaches

Headaches can be caused by dehydration. Staying hydrated can help keep the headaches and even some migraines away. If you feel a headache coming on, go and drink some water to try to help it before it gets any worse. In fact, drinking enough water each day can keep you from reaching for the ibuprofen all together!

Water is necessary for digestion, nutrient absorption and carrying waste out of our bodies

If we don’t drink enough water, our bodies have a hard time getting rid of waste and toxins through urination, bowel movements and sweating. When the waste builds up in our bodies, it can cause a whole bunch of problems for us like constipation, weight gain and our bodies inability to rid itself of toxins. Constipation can lead to digestive disorders, gas, bloating, nausea and stomach cramps. Water is also vital for food digestion and absorption. Water can also help prevent the buildup of minerals that cause kidney stones. (My husband had them once and I don’t wish them on anyone. That alone should be motivation to drink more water!)

Water prevents disease and illness

Water can help protect against diseases and certain types of cancer. Yep you read that right! Lack of sufficient water can also lead to a weakened immune system and imbalances in our bodies. You can also develop ulcers when the stomach doesn’t have enough liquid to make the mucous that protects our stomach from the acids used for digestion. Drinking water helps boost your immune system and avoid illnesses such as the common cold and flu.

Water helps our mood

When we are dehydrated, it makes our head feel like it’s in a fog and can also cause us to feel grumpy and irritable. Even being just a little dehydrated can affect your mood.

Water helps maintain/grow muscles and helps performance in the gym

If you train while dehydrated, you’ll lose strength and muscle size. When you aren’t drinking enough water, your body isn’t able to carry enough oxygen to your muscles making them more easily fatigued and not able to build strength. Water helps prevent muscle breakdown and helps with recovery after your workout! It also prevents muscle cramping and fatigue.

Water helps us lose weight

Water suppresses your appetite and is calorie free. Drinking water helps get your metabolism running better which can aid in fat loss! Thirst is often mistaken for hunger and can lead to overeating. So next time you think you’re hungry, try drinking a glass of water first and see if really was hunger or if it was thirst.

Drinking water helps with water retention

Sounds counterproductive right? But no! If you’re feeling extra puffy or can tell you’re retaining water, make it a point to drink lots of water throughout the day and you’ll be feeling back to normal in no time.

Water helps cushion our brain and joints

Not drinking enough water can cause your joints to feel stiff and stiff joints can lead to injury. When you drink enough water, we keep the cartilage in our joints soft and hydrated, which helps relieve any pain or discomfort you may feel in your joints.

So let’s drink up today!!!! What is your goal in oz. for today? Mine is 128 - 160 oz. because YES I go over!!

Rebecca MillerComment