Photo Credit by Tonya Van Fossen
Do you ever negotiate with your excuses??
I know I used to do this. I would tell myself WHY I shouldn't do something and justify it to death. I would give myself a million reasons WHY I couldn't start a health and fitness journey over and over again. I would tell myself it was OK to eat the junk because I could always just start tomorrow. For someone who said I never had anytime...always had a lot of time to push off. Makes no sense does it??
When you negotiate with your excuses you are just taking chances that you will do them later, which is exactly why change never happens. You literally talk yourself right out of it or right into it, depending on what the situation is. People get so hung up on all the BS stories they tell themselves, but they aren't looking at the bigger picture.
How do I know this? I was one of those people. I kept saying there is no way I would be a good mother because I don't have the patience for it. There is no way I would be a good coach, because I still have a lot of weight to lose and I am not at my goal weight. There is no way I will have a lot of friends, because I am to shy.
What of this is true?? None of it. It was my BS story I told myself and guess what? I worried for nothing because ....
1. I am a great mother for Shawn...the one that loves and protects him no matter what. Tony and I took him to get his feet fixed and drove 3 hours away to see a doctor who could fix his feet, because that is what parents do for their kids. We would do anything to make sure he lives a great life.
2. I feel I am a great coach because I am not perfect...I am still on my journey and that is ok. I am relatable because I am still working on me. It is a journey not a destination. I am always quick to help when I am asked questions. I provide tough love, motivation, tips, and recipes, and I am your lifetime chick. Always here for you and I show up daily in our groups.
3. I have more friends now because I have allowed myself too. I stopped saying no one will like me so I should hide over here to....Who the heck cares if they like me...I am being ME! Guess what? I got more friends because I came out of my shell.
So stop telling yourself the same old BS story of why YOU CAN'T do something and missing your chances. ....Start making a change and I promise you won't be alone in your journey.
Following your heart and having God on your side is all you need in life. Be real, be you, and have fun with the live you were given my peep!
Leaving you with this bible verse!
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”