These two shirts are the same... I have had it for a while so it is faded now, but I decided to wear it the other day just to see. 

When I first started in January of last year, I was really depressed about my life and how I felt about myself.😣

I let my junk food addiction 🍕🍫🍧🍦 take over daily and it pushed me into a vicious cycle that I felt I couldn't get out of. It was exhausting and really nerve racking. 

I thought I tried everything, but I didn't. I didn't try it the healthy way. 😬 I didn't want to leave my comfort zone, but it was the only and best option.

I kept trying to get the weight off the "easy" way, but it didn't work.

It wasn't until I started working my programs, which includes the fitness, nutrition, accountability ☑️, and support 🙋👭, that magic happened. I lost this weight in 9 months and it hasn't came back since... Almost 2 years later!!

That my friend is an amazing feeling... I done it the healthy way and it is something that I can maintain for the rest of my life!! Yessssssss!!! Was it easy? Nope, but I wouldn't change a thing!!

So if you are tired of the gimmicks, the "easy" tricks that don't work, then reach out!! 🙋👈

You never know how your life can be different if you just start doing something wonderful for yourself! It is called be healthy and fit and it looks great on everyone!! 😍😍😍😎😎😎

Always here to chat if you want! 🗨️

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