When I first began my transition to a healthier lifestyle, there was a major piece of the puzzle that played HUGE success in my weight loss. Because let's be honest... This crap is hard and it is sooooo easy to fall off track. My coach placed me in an accountability group. My oh my... Little did I know that would be the starting point of a life changing transition for me!!

I was ready for a change because I was in desperate need of help. I was someone who was extremely addicted to the junk food – I would eat entire pizzas, tons of chocolate (36 candy bars a week), and tons of ice cream…Plus, I didn’t eat a green vegetable to save my soul! I was super unhealthy and my digestive system was horrendous!! I didn’t go to the bathroom but once a month folks…talk about pain…discomfort and for what!??! Because I had soooo many excuses that exercise and healthy living was too hard for me! That my friend….is total BS and self-sabotage to myself! 

Life before sucked…not going to lie! It was a struggle to get down and play with my 2-year-old son at the time. My knees and back were hurting and I would be out of breath in no time! He was fun…but I was not! I didn’t like being that way…I knew I had to make a change for not only myself but for my son! He needed his momma around and at the rate I was going, I wasn’t going to be there! 

My coach hooked me up with a program to fit my needs. I got the materials, read everything, asked a few questions, made a plan, meal prepped, and stuck with it strong for 21 days, which that is 30 minutes of exercise a day... Not hours. Besides what did I have to lose?

In those 21 days, I learned something about myself. Well actually several things....

❤ I was finding out that WOW, I could do something like this! Crazy... Because I kept telling myself that I couldn't.

❤ I was eating healthy!! Me!?!?! A girl who never touched a green thing in her life was eating a salad!? Say what!? 

❤ The accountability group offered me a ton of support, inspiration, tips, tricks, and taught me self-love – never done anything like that before!! ❤

❤ I was finding my way again. I was happy. I was proud of that 12 lb. loss in my 1st 21 days, and excited for the next 21 days!!

❤ I was sleeping better and I was less stressed and most importantly less depressed. YESSSS!!!!

❤ I was taught about the mindset and how to shift to a positive outlook vs. negative. 

❤ I wasn't alone. I had other women and men working on themselves too! We all supported each other. We were family... We connected and we became friends.

So when I tell you that an accountability group was a game changer for me and you NEED this kind of love and support... than this team has got you covered. Because THIS is a better option for you and you don't have to do it alone. 

The programs are world class in my opinion and the materials and meal plans are stellar! The trainers are the best and they have helped me look like this in the comfort of my own home…on my own time!! 

You know what else? I am the active parent in my son’s life now….I run and I play with him and I don’t get exhausted…I am not in pain…and I haven’t felt this great in a long time! I am no longer “watching” him play…I am playing and being right there with him…enjoying those precious moments in life! 

Over 2 years in and I still have my coach. She won't leave me and we are making that same commitment to you. This business has been a blessing! It has been my passion, my focus, and helps with accountability like no other! When I post on social media…I inspire others to take care of themselves! Getting paid to do it is just icing on the cake! 

So if you want to listen to some stories to see if this is a good fit for you than send me an email and I will share more with you!  (

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