"I NEED YOU!!" Shawn says! My heart melts and I smile and warmth just pours over me...it is called LOVE! Yes I am sappy!!

Shawn can be a bit feisty in the mornings so while he was being slightly grumpy this morning, I walked away and said, "Ok fine, you can go do it yourself, your a big boy." You know they can all of a sudden do EVERYTHING!! #momlife

I walk in the kitchen to pack my lunch and he comes running and says - "I NEED YOU". I am like "WHY?! You got this!"

"No...I don't" he says, he grabbed my hand and we went back to the bathroom. LOL He totally knows what to do. LOL He does it by himself (# 1) all the time.

While I know he CAN do it, I still came because he asked me too. I like the thought of him "needing" me...because I know he is going to get bigger and that will no longer really be said out loud anymore. (Sniff, sniff) :(

Being a mom is tough with the daily grind, but being needed feels good, does it not? Some days we want to keep our children small, and it scares the heck out of us when we think how these years have flown by. Poof...GONE! Just like that and I don't have a baby anymore. 😣😮😯

Little moments like today are always welcomed because when they catch you off guard it is a great reminder of how much we should cherish them even more!

Let them be little...let them NEED you, and let them LOVE you! Always show it back...always!

What kind of moment have you had that you thought, "WOW...I like to be needed by my children?" (While yes....it does get tiresome at times, because Moms and Dads do it all...it is still nice to know you are needed!)

Older picture but still love his sweet cheeks here!

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