The Secret is a best-selling 2006 self-help book by Rhonda Byrne, based on the earlier film of the same name. It is based on the pseudoscientific law of attraction which claims that thoughts can change the world directly. The book has sold 20 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages.
Ever want positive change in your life, but not sure how to get it? Let me share this GREAT and POWERFUL book with you - THE SECRET! There was a movie about too! It is basically showing you that where your thoughts go your energy flows and if you think negative and focus on ALL the negative than “bad luck” will keep coming at you…BUT if you focus on things you truly want, and do what you need to do, than GOD (they call it the Universe, but it is GOD for me!) will align the events in your life to give you what you want. Don’t believe it? Than I have three perfect examples of how it has changed my life!!
1. Praying for a baby - Things had to happen in my life FIRST before I got my wish – a baby. Sometimes it isn’t on our timeline, but when it does happen – we must appreciate it and receive it! YOU MUST have unwavering faith that it will happen…otherwise…you are basically doubting God. So Shawn came when he was supposed too…not a second to soon or a second too late!
2. Our house - The book says to visualize what you want and so I did. I knew I wanted a one story, I knew I wanted a big yard for Shawn, and I knew I wanted a nice kitchen with an island! Guess what I got? ALL OF THOSE THINGS! Why? Because I just KNEW in my heart it was mine…I dreamed of it…I pictured myself in my new home, touching the cabinets, playing with Shawn in our big yard and God gave it to us. THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS!!! No joke it said that in the book! Some might think it is crazy and I KNOW they were thinking it, when it took 2 years before our old house sold…but I got my wish and my dream home came to life because I had the faith it would!
3. The most recent event - Tony got a BIG bonus - I just started this book last week and thought I would start implementing the steps. I pictured money coming to us, I pictured me moving it to savings, I pictured that it would without a doubt happen. Guess what? Tony put a piece of paper in my face that said $5,200 and said guess what? I got a bonus today! I mean HELLO peeps! I can’t make this up! This was the wildest thing and I was manifesting my house back in the day and I didn’t even realize it…BUT I WAS!
If you could change something with a single positive thought…what would it be?
Believe me my friend…if you want it…it is yours, but you must first believe in it too! Get the book today – you will LOVE it!!!