So glad today is Friday peeps... Bittersweet actually!! Going to see the Avengers movie this weekend with the family... Because you know... Super heroes are life!!
BUT, Tony goes back on nights... :( I am going to have a little boy who is going to lash out because he will miss his Daddy terribly!
This is my game face for when he does do that...Eeeekkkk...I will try my best to cope with him, but he is pretty stubborn like me... So you know, one day at a time!!
Shawn woke up in a bit of a tizzy and than I scooped him up in my arms and just held him and rubbed his back. Than he saw Daddy was home... That frown turned upside down!!
He calmed down and just hugged back. Awww that is the best feeling in the world. I want him to know he can always come to me or Tony for the huggies... Lol that is what I call them.
**Oh 💜Shawn Matthew💜... Let us love you a little more, before you're not little anymore!! **