Day 67 of 80
Cardio Core and I nailed it!! Still modifying the side plank pulls but I used the blue heavy resistance band for those!. Getting stronger every day! Actually looked forward to this workout! That is a first! Plus I nailed the French Twist in the core round... Sweeeeettttt!!!
Today's thought 💭
💜 Your vision is everything!! 💜
Watched a very inspirational video last night with our top coaches on how they power through the tough days of this business... They always start with a vision.
I completely agree with having a very super detailed vision for your life! They said you have to physically see yourself achieving your goals and look at your vision daily to remind yourself what you are working towards.
When I first started my health and fitness journey over 3.5 years ago, I had a vision that I could conquer certain moves, be my healthiest self, and that when I looked in the mirror, that the person looking back was satisfied, at peace with her body image, and that I would be proud of how far I came on my own doing it the healthy way... Through proper diet and exercise. #nobetterway
I wanted to see someone who booted the junk food addiction and actually gave a crap of what went in her mouth... For the longest time, poptarts, mounds of pizza, tons of chocolate, and pounds of ice cream crossed these lips and it felt impossible to break free from the hold I THOUGHT it had on me. #igotthisnow
My vision was simple but yet it felt impossible at the same time, because I was set in my ways!
But when this opportunity came along and offered me a way to get healthy and fit through legit nutrition plans and fitness programs, I jumped all over that... It truly doesn't get any easier than that.
God brought me through the struggles and today I am stronger for it.
To be so close to finishing the toughest programs I have ever done (twice), makes me see that visions do come true! I could never do this program when I started, but today I can!!
I am so glad to be apart of this fit family, this life is better because of it, and I could not imagine doing anything else... I am passionate about my desire to better myself and that is crazy, because it wasn't there 3.5 years ago.
So have a vision for your life... All aspects... All angles - personal, health and fitness, financial, and family and get that to paper...
You will be amazed of how life can change if you start thinking MORE about your future then your past!
Happy Friday everyone!!!