Day 19 of 21
Full body burn advanced was amazing today!! Fridays are always my favorite on this program! Used the 25's on the chest press again and with all the volume training she is doing, it is super challenging! But I absolutely love it!!
Today's thought …
It's a choice, so do it on purpose!
Whether you want to believe this or not, it's a daily choice on whether you want to show up or not.
When you don't show up, that is on purpose, because you let the excuse win. It's no different when you do show up... I do that on purpose too!
Believe me... You can really talk yourself out of an workout and that my friend is on purpose . Just saying!
Because I know what I used to do and it was totally on purpose... I told myself I couldn't do it, on purpose, to get out of it and by golly that led to in-activity for 10 years.
So don't make the same mistake I did.. Show up on purpose.. Make it your mission to not skip a workout... On purpose!
Because if we put that much effort in not doing anything, imagine where you will be if you actually show up... on purpose! #allmindset
Your stronger than your excuses my friend so let's see some guns today and get busy!!
Plus we made it to Friday!! Heck yeah!!