4 years ago I started coaching with no clue to what I was doing.  I had so many fears when I first started...

One major one was being judged by others... It is scary... We grow up in school feeling this way and even as we get older it still bothers us.

I was reading something yesterday about this and he said do you realize about 10 people will cry at your funeral and the people who show up at your burial service will depend on the weather. 

Truth is... We think people care a whole lot... But in fact, they don't, it is just us freaking out a bit. . #soooguilty!!! 

When I first started and shared my story about my junk food addiction... I honestly thought you would think I was gross and disgusting... And some might still think that, but there is also a lot of people I inspired to take charge of their health too.

Meaning.. If I had this issue... What is holding you back from greatness!!

This weeks business opportunity is all about fears about this business and I can tell you I wasn't the only one.

So if you want to hear other coach stories, come listen in to my team's... They had many fears too and I am sure we will cover them!

What about you... What is your biggest fear or concern you have when you start something new?? 

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