Today I wanna share something with ya that always pulls on my heart strings!! ðŸ’¯

The fact that I used to feel that I wasn't enough or worth it. ðŸ˜”

That my friend, hurts the soul. I can see the girl in the left and she feels humiliated that she let herself spiral out of control to the point of gaining 70+ lbs. She lost her way and turned to emotional eating to fill a void that only SHE had to learn to fill. ðŸ’¯

She had to value herself and she had to work on the inside to make herself see she WAS important, loved, and had value!

See after I started my journey in 2016, I started to become apart of a fit family that changed my perspective on my journey.

They didn't just "sell" me crap and send me packing... No.... They helped me with my emotional eating, offered at home solutions for my nutrition, fitness, and gave me FREE lifetime support! ðŸ’¯

That is what changed for me... Our programs are absolutely stellar, we don't have diet pills because seriously... That crap doesn't last and you don't learn anything!!! ðŸ™Œ You got to fix issues that started the problem in the first place IF you want TRUE lasting changes! ðŸ’¯

So I want you to know if this gal who loves alllll things junk food and can go from eating entire pizzas, 36 candy bars a week, and ice cream galore to the girl on the right... Then so can you!! I feel more comfortable and confident within my skin and the fact that I can keep up with my little man makes all the sweat worth it!

I am hear to say... I won't be throwing pills your way or even silly fad diets... But true legit nutrition and fitness from RDNs and trainers because that will help you long term! ðŸ’¯

If you have problems with emotional eating, excuses, or even want something long term and sustainable... I am here to chat with you! We will talk goals, issues you are having, and solutions to those issues because I care enough to ask!

Wanna chat... I am here... Next group is starting soon and I want YOU in it!

Let's work together and get you healthy and fit... The correct way! ðŸ’¯

Rebecca MillerComment