Happy Father's Day to my husband and my Daddy!. I love you both so very much! I couldn't do life without you!!
Spending time with my family is so important to me, sometimes I feel I don’t do it often enough and when Dad got down to play with Shawn on all things Hot Wheels, I had to capture the moment!
Shawn loves spending time with them and always has. They have been a big part of his life from day 1 . They helped me with his clubfeet and was there for the surgery….they really helped me through it all.
I appreciate my dad so much. He has loved us unconditionally and always taught us right from wrong. Showed me what a real man is supposed to do for his family and has always worked hard.
Both of my boys mean the world to me. Tony has been such a great provider for our family and works hard to support and love us day in and day out. Anything I ask, Tony provides, and has the most tender heart when it comes to Shawn. He loves Shawn so much and tells him daily!
We have made Shawn so spoiled with love that he has become the most confident kid you will ever meet. Not a bad thing right? LOL
I owe that to the amazing male role models he has in his life.
Thank you Dad…Thank you Tony for simply caring enough to show us love and being with us through thick and thin. You both mean the world to me…always and forever!!