Hey look... Not a sweaty selfie . It feels like I haven't wore makeup or brushed my hair in over a week... But today I did.. Being off a week throws your routine out the door!

Am I right??

Back to the grind, and busy as heck but slowly getting there...lots of year end work ahead at my day job!! Wowza

But I wanted to share more about the coaching opportunity I have for you!! My side business... My passion and my saving grace.

What we ARE and ARE NOT as coaches:

We are NOT fit from day 1!! That is the beauty of it and the whole purpose of having a journey! You are trying to get there but it takes time, but you do not have to start out all buff and fit. Being a coach definitely holds me accountable to my goals and is the main reason I do it... Plus I help sooo many amazing peeps along the way!! Love seeing them show up for themselves!! Makes my heart sing!!!

We DO encourage, motivate, and inspire others to care for themselves through health and fitness!!

We ARE business owners!! We get paid on Thursdays! We make a difference in lives!!

No inventory investment other than your OWN challenge pack to get you started! I mean really?? Pretty inexpensive when your health is really important! You are investing in YOU first!!

We earn while we learn!! We share our journey with you and if you join us to help you with your goals then Awesome sauce... We can crush them together.. If you don't, then no big deal... You remain the same and I keep going on with my journey! No skin off my back! Lol

We run accountability groups for you and we help you in any way we can! We provide tons of motivation, tips, tricks, meal prep plans and shopping lists, how to videos, and inspiration to keep you moving and on top of your game!

Coaches are ordinary people doing extraordinary things!!

You see me post my journey every day and if you have questions about this business side of it... Then ask away! I love what coaching has done for me!

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