I haven't shared about something a long time! I am not sure how much you know about digestive health, but before I started my journey, mine was pretty awful.

I was struggling with my immune system and my digestive health for a while until I finally broke down and had a Colonoscopy done. UGH....

Well that day, I found out that I had diverticulitis and it would be something I struggle with for the rest of my life. This was NOT something I wanted to hear at my age. They recommended drinking Metamucil for the rest of my life, and my thoughts were EEWWWWW and YUCK!!!

So I started the Metamucil and WOW was it gross and it was ONLY FIBER, but let me tell you, I found something WAY BETTER FOR ME and since I have been drinking it, I haven't had a single issue or flare up!

No problems, no more constipation, I am normal and regular now, and THIS amazing powerful superfood nutrition does more than just provide me with FIBER.

I wanted to share about SHAKEOLOGY today!

This right here has been my saving grace for a multiple of reasons such as:

Helps my digestive health!! I used to suffer from diverticulitis and was going only ONCE a month, so you best believe I was MISERABLE!! Shakeology has balanced my system and made me healthy from the inside!!

Helps my insane junk food cravings! I used to be a major junk food binge eater and with this....no more cravings because it gives my body exactly what it craves!! Our food isn't want it used to be so this all natural amazing whole food health shake offers me benefits that I can't get just anywhere! TRULY...nothing compares to it!

My immune system is amazing!! I feel fantastic!! I used to get MONTHLY sinus infections and I haven't had one in 5 years! Which is exactly how long I have been drinking this amazing shake! I never miss a day of it!!

My sugar is balanced!! My A1-C was close to an 8 when I started in 2016 and now it is around a 5 because I drink my Shakeology every day and eat healthy! I once blacked out from my sugar being to high from all my horrible junk food habits, but with consistently drinking this daily, I have made my blood work amazing!


  • Chocolate Whey

  • Chocolate Vegan

  • Vanilla Whey

  • Vanilla Vegan

  • Strawberry Whey

  • Tropical Strawberry Vegan

  • Cafe Latte Whey

  • Cafe Latte Vegan

I am sharing a video about gut health and why you should care about it and the nutrition labels/doctor letter so you can see this is NOT just a protein shake. (We got one of those and it is called Recover, so don't confuse the two!) (See info link for these details)

Shakeology is SUPERFOOD WHOLE FOOD nutrition of the highest quality that you will find! I will guarantee you that!


You can get a 30 day supply with a challenge pack and save BIG TIME - see pricing in the info link below. There is no risk, because there is a 30 day money back guarantee on EVERYTHING!

This is basically getting you a bag of Shakeology, TWO extensive nutrition programs created by amazing experts, 85 fitness programs (1500+ workouts), FREE support for LIFE, and ME as your FREE Coach, plus some more freebies for you! I even have some pomo codes left that I can share with you for $10 off! Let me know FIRST and I will provide them!

I am telling you to try this Shakeology for 30 days and FEEL the difference from the inside out. This is powerful, potent, and full of all natural ingredients! See the images and video to learn more!

If you got questions, let me hear them, I am here to help!

Watch this video on WHY you should CARE about GUT HEALTH!!


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.*

Rebecca MillerComment