My biggest pet peeve?

People who think they have to STARVE to lose weight or cut back all the food and carbs because it's "BAD"....I am here to say that is soooo far from the truth! Your body needs fuel to survive ya'll...I chatted with someone the other night and they didn't feel like they DESERVED to eat!??! I mean what?! That isn't cool at all!

I had sugar problems so I get it...but let me be real for a sec.....Cereal isn't your friend (it's full of sugar). Can soup and frozen dinners are FULL of sodium which help you retain water - and honestly who needs that? Who wants more bloat? NOT I!

Constantly eating out is a sure way to pack on the pounds, iced teas from McDonald's aren't serving you, and restaurant portion sizes are getting larger every day and we wonder why we have so much weight to lose. It's beyond maddening, BUT it's true though!

You ask geez Rebecca - what can I eat then?

Awww you beautiful soul, SO MUCH FOOD and our nutrition programs show HOW to fill your plate with amazing FOOD that fuels your body and gets it working for you instead of against you!

You would be amazed at all the recipes we are shown on our nutrition programs and just how big our plates can be. So no you won't get hungry on our plans!

You might look at me and be like oh she eats only salads, that is why she has lost the weight...and I just laugh because I don't eat them all the time. I eat real food....from ALL the food groups...including CARBS.

Sure there are bad processed carbs, but there are amazing ones too, which we all learn in our nutrition programs! Don't discount carbs because you have been conditioned to believe they are bad.

You see my drift?

So many THINK they got this....and don't need to know HOW...but YET they are stuck...not seeing results and repeating the same things over and over. They make excuses as to why they can't lose weight, but the don't know the secrets that these programs offer. THAT my friend is how I lost 70 lbs. and that is why I have been doing these programs which are sustainable for life!

I have went through these programs and the knowledge you gain is beyond empowering and once you KNOW HOW to make these work for you...the weight comes off easily....WHY?

Because while OTHERS are DIETING their little hearts out, you are over here eating amazing healthy food, not feeling sluggish or tired, and wondering why you didn't start sooner. You learn your habits and things that held you back before and start to take note of things you can change to be better and things that will stick with you!

So yep...I can provide you with 1500 workouts from super trainers, mediations, calendars, and all the value for $99, BUT for $60 more dollars you get EXTENSIVE video based nutrition programs that show you how to STOP DIETING for good and live a lifestyle where this YO YO crap ends.

How would your life be different when you reach your goals? That is your GOAL...That is what you are striving for!

So let's do this together.

We start March 29th! Let's commit to a fitness program, learn proper nutrition, and lean in on a support group that will help you with tracking and accountability!

Got questions...just ask or check out this link to watch some videos to learn more!


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