Vulnerable Post Alert

Day 42 - The Work

Program Complete

Range and Repair was completed this morning and I just did some progress pictures... That is one thing I am not good at... Lol taking shots without the shirt .... But I decided to share with you because it holds me accountable!!

I got my before one from 5 years ago.... January 2021....and today!

One thing is for certain... Consistency is the KEY to results!!

Am I where I want to be?? Nope... But starting at well over 215 lbs. and looking at how far I have come makes me proud!!

This takes effort, patience, and never giving up.

You know when I look at these pictures... I can say... Sure I would love to be further along... But the body does... What it does . Thanks to a fibroid and hormones the process is taking its time but basically 6 months and a lot already has changed I think!!

I didn't give up on all my favorites... I am consistent though. I ate more than what you think to achieve these results and that is the best part... No starvation... No restrictions.

It's just me enjoying life and working our programs both nutrition and fitness and leaning into my team is how I done it. No silly pill, wrap, or drink can give you long lasting results!

Our programs work if you work and I can honestly say that I have gained so much since I started...

I went from struggling with 2lb weights to lifting heavy like a 45 lb with ease...I used cry because I felt like a failure... I had such regret for letting myself go, but that surgery in 2006 got me. Now I can turn that into determination to keep going!

I can keep up with my son... Before I struggled to get down in the floor with him and today.... I run and help him with baseball the best I can, without being out of breath.

My sugar and diverticulitis is something I no longer struggle with... I simply feel healthy... Happy and strong !!

I went from hating the skin I was in and saying I can't to... I accept where I am today and I will improve my goals each day.

So many think they can't do this... Honestly... Our programs are laid out beautifully and are fool proof... I couldn’t imagine doing anything else... This is what it takes and these results will stay with me as long as I stay consistent and with our tools and that my friend will be easy!!

I am excited for my next program starting tomorrow... But I am coming back to this one soon.... It was amazing and really transformed me for sure as you can see!!

Abs are coming and our nutrition programs show me how to gain them and so much more... Control... Food no longer controls me... I am in control and that is something that will never be taken away from me!!

That is my biggest victory.... From junk food junkie to fitness lover, I can and will keep going because feeling this amazing is something I crave now...

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