Freak Week - Day 5

DCT-T Back went down today and wow was it a burner. . I didn't use the step like she did with the surrenders or the lunges...I did it on the floor with a mat to protect my knee.

She said it was the hardest workout all week...#biggulp....I agree...I got through 3 rounds in 12 minutes with DCT-T and used 10's. Did my best and you know's ok I modified. I showed up and won the day

Today's thought

Closer Every Day

Today's workout reminded me of my very first workout in February 2016 when she made us do surrenders and I legit cried because I couldn’t do it.

It was the wake up call I needed to push myself further in my journey and never give up. That day I cried...modified...and told myself I would never give up...because that struggle wasn't something I wanted to continue with.

Over 5 years in and I have never given up. I show up and if I have to modify...I do shame in that because trust and could never keep up like the pros do and if you do...they show you advanced moves so no matter where you are in your journey...your always progressing!!

Striving to be better and super excited for July program and a 18 year anniversary coming up!

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