Yessssssss this!!!!!!!
One thing is for certain...I am an EXCELLENT saver!! I always learned to be grateful for what you earned and worked for!
A big goal I am striving for is that our house WILL BE paid for in October 2027 or sooner and we have lived here for 6 years! We are right on track for making that happen!
I don't buy useless STUFF...I loathe clothes shopping and could care less about name brands. . I only get what is necessary and save for the rest so no credit card debt.
One thing my mom and dad taught me was how to manage money and I am beyond thankful for that. I see so many struggle with it.
I remember working at DQ and having thousands because I was like a squirrel with its nuts...saving and storing it like crazy . Mom was cleaning one day and found my stash...she was like omgeee...we got to open you a bank account . I did pay for my own car payment...insurance...gas...and cell phone at 16 years old too...soo no not every dime went to that stash. I was shown how to do it right from the get go and Wowza mom and dad...thank you!!
That is when I started loving numbers and Excel spread sheets...they did theirs on pen and paper but I love Excel #nerd but hey it has definitely paid off!
What would you consider yourself??
A. Big time saver and gonna get done!
B. What does saving money mean?
(TIP: Use money saving apps like EVERY DOLLAR and get yourself a copy of Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey if you are buried in debt! I personally track everything, my check register and ALL in EXCEL! It is file that I keep adding to and it tracks my funds. I find it super helpful and have used it for many years.)