When it comes to your health and fitness goals, are you just WISHING you were at the goal weight or are you actually DOING what it takes to get there?
That is a loaded question, am I right?
Sure it is sooooooooo very easy to do nothing and just ACCEPT where you are, but is that the right thing to do?
I don’t feel it is.
Why do I say this?
Because are you comfortable in your skin, are you truly happy and confident about where you are?
I wasn’t and it took a long time to actually start DOING because I was fearful I would fail at this. I was fearful that I wouldn’t be able to be consistent. I was fearful that the hard work wouldn’t pay off.
But can I share the REAL truth.
We overwhelm ourselves for no reason!
We think the worst when it comes to health and fitness goals and immediately turn our heads and be like NOPE not gonna do that because it is WORK.
We need to flip the script and start DOING, because I have found that with action, I felt better and had more energy! That energy becomes more positive and the confidence starts to rise!
Physical movement, personal development, and nutrition all go hand in hand to make us feel better overall and it will help our health tremendously, but yet some still WISH. It’s crazy how FEAR will literally hold you back from your greatness! I know because I let it for 10 years!
The only regret I have is that I wished I started sooner! The amount of health I gained has really took a 180 and I feel so much better for it. Less sickness, less excuses, and more joy in life is what I found by simply DOING the dang thing!
If you are the type that is struggling with finding a reason WHY you should even CARE about your goals, then ask yourself these questions and be honest, be vulnerable, and dig deep:
What do I want my future health to look like? Am I struggling to get out of bed, am I mobile, am I able to keep up with LIFE?
What is the QUALITY of my future health? I don’t know about you, but the thought of being down and out was totally depressing. I want to LIVE life to the fullest…not drown in it.
If not for yourself, then what about your family, spouse, kids? They need you more than you know! I showed up for Shawn, my sister’s wedding, and my husband FIRST before I did it for myself. Sometimes having that kick in the butt is exactly what you need. I didn’t want to leave Shawn behind because of my junk food addiction and that was something I had to learn to take control of! Thank goodness for our programs in teaching me HOW!
So your turn….ask yourself those questions and really dig deep. Sure we all want to be healthy and fit, but I want you to go deeper than that. I want you to find YOUR powerful WHY and that my friend will be all the motivation you need to get started. How do you keep motivation? YOU GET RESULTS! That motivates me!
Let me invite you to my next bootcamp where we will get exactly that! Click the button below for your options and get with me if you have any questions about anything!