We had to go to Morgantown last Friday for Shawn’s yearly clubfeet checkup! Seven (7) years we made the trip for his appointment and we always try to make it fun. This year wasn’t any different with the zoo and pool time. The doctor said he is flat footed but all is well and no need to come back unless he has problems and to make sure his shoes are cushioned. We are blessed because they told us it would be a yearly appointment until he was 12 years of age. Thank God and all his goodness for us.

Plus we had his yearly pediatric check up as well. Even it went well and she said Shawn is 63 lbs. and 51.5 inches tall. Our boy is growing healthy and strong!

Crazy thing though…We never know it is the last time until it is.

We got school supplies and his backpack and he didn’t want a character bag this year….it had to be a sporty one. Again…I didn’t know last year would be our last one, but here we are. They don’t prepare you for this kind of stuff. It just happens. So while my heart is filled with joy and happiness, it breaks a little too…knowing he isn’t little and things will be different each year he starts school.

None the less, we are proud of him in every way! I praise God for all these blessings! We are nothing without him!

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