I had so many excuses before I started and after hearing some of them here recently...I wanted to provide a different perspective...a different mindset...a different thought process and hopefully it might help ya!
Excuse: I don't think I am physically able to can you help me?!
My response: Well we can baby step it....focus on nutrition and water FIRST and get that under your belt because our nutrition programs are very educational and amazing! When you are ready we can sprinkle in workouts or even just walking! I met you where YOU ARE!
Excuse....What if I fail?
My response: What if you don't? How freaking amazing would it be to hit those goals...feel great in your skin and finally see success!?!
Your mindset is off...we can work on that together....I want you to see your potential...because if you feel like you have tried haven't tried this with ME, THESE TOOLS, AND OUR FIT FAMILY!
You aren't alone in this journey. I offer daily app that tracks it all for you and I check in with you often!!. Important thing is that you show up in our group to get the love, motivation, and support you need!
Excuse....I like diet pills and quick fixes because it is easy and I don't have to work hard! (This one kills my soul my friend)
My response: So how is that working out for you?!! Do you realize when stop taking those things you have learned nothing about actual good health to eat right and move your body for more energy?? didn't gain anything by becoming dependent on them and most of the time they tell you to clean up your nutrition anyways because those pills and drinks aren't as effective as they should be without it...what a shit show #truth
Ummm how about you save yourself some money and actually educate yourself with our nutrition programs that were created by RDN's and super trainers and that get to the root of the issue...fix your habits and change your life....for good!! None of this yo-yo dieting stuff!
Save your money for the new clothes you are going to be buying!
You won't get bored with a fitness program with over 85 to choose from and with hundreds upon hundreds of recipes and plans you are gonna be way more successful in the long term! I can guarantee you that!
Excuse : I don't have time to workout!
My response: How much scrolling and TV you watch!?! . If you sit for 30 can get a workout in. Mornings are best before the crazy day starts and you took care of yourself FIRST THING!! This feels great...this makes you feel amazing and Energized for the day!! Trust me if binge watch shows for hours upon hours you can fit in a 30 minute workout!
When I share these excuses...these were mine 10+ years me...been there done that...feeling much better for not letting those excuses hold me back from my greatness today!
You got one I didn't cover!?
Comment below and let me help your perspective and what is holding you back!