Some Tough Love on this Beautiful Friday!

Ummmm...yes....very true!

You can't complain for the body you don't have if you aren't willing to do anything about it!

Choices everyday to get it right, but you have to make that choice. I can't do that for you. Even if I were to stay at your house and cook your food for you, you might be great that week, correct? What happens when I leave? Are you going back to your old ways?

WHY!??!?! Why would you do that? Remember you can't change if you won't ALLOW yourself to change. YOU have to make the first step count and keep it up. We aren't talking just a few weeks...we are talking for the rest of your life....the things you are doing now will impact your health later. AND NO that doesn’t mean you can NEVER eat out again…just means you need to be more MINDFUL!

Picture yourself in the future...what do you see? Are you having a hard time getting around because you are stiff. You know what solves that right? Proper diet and exercise! I can give you the tools...your job? USE THEM!!

I want EVERYONE to have success and get kick butt results...but you got to do your part!!

Are you ready to tackle the day and keep that commitment to yourself - to care and love yourself...because you are only given one body, so take care of it!

Rebecca MillerComment


The Best Egg Sandwich you’ve ever had in your life!!

The egg sandwich Ingredients:

2 strips turkey bacon

1 1/4 cups of egg whites

4 slices of whole-grain bread, toasted

1/2 cup of shredded nonfat cheddar cheese

1 1/4 cups of diced, seeded plum tomatoes

Salt and cracked black pepper to taste

Cooking oil spray


Microwave up the turkey bacon strips (should take about three minutes or so) right off the bat and then set them aside. After nuking the bacon, it’s time to whisk together the egg whites as well as the salt and pepper while you let your skillet heat up on the stove.

Once your skillet reaches the right temperature (after a couple of minutes on medium high heat) you’ll want to pour in the egg white mixture, giving it a quick swirl or two to create gently scrambled eggs that stick together.

From there, simply slap the egg whites on a piece of toast and then topped with cheese, turkey bacon, and the diced tomatoes – and you’re out the door with a fantastic little meal!

Rebecca MillerComment

Are you grateful??

After listening to the Gifts of Imperfections this morning about gratitude, happiness and joy! Do you have it?

I thought I did, but boy oh boy did she bring some new things to light! We go to bed being negative and we wake up that way too!

We wake up and immediately say to our self, I didn’t get enough sleep, I don’t have enough time. There is so much to do, I don’t have enough money, etc. The list goes on and on!!! Who does this??!! YIKES!!! I caught myself doing this in the last 2 weeks.

Happiness comes and goes like twinkling lights…LOL she said it and it makes perfect sense! We are happy when things go our way or things are good in our life and if not, then we are sad or depressed.

Joy comes from within and usually lasts longer than happiness…but we need to practice it all. Instead of waking up feeling all the negative, we need to wake up and fill ourselves with gratitude. What is going right? What are you grateful for each day? So start each day with…I am grateful for…. And see what happens!!! We have to control our emotions because without control…we are setting ourselves up for a stressful life!

You could also say these too:

Today I wake up filled with gratitude because_________

I am so excited about what this day will bring and all the opportunities I am about to create!

I am going to begin my day with faith and confidence by praying.

I feel healthy, strong, and beautiful today. I am proud of myself because I am working on ME!

I get to choose the person I become today! What shall I do with her now??

Today I get to love my family, spread positivity like confetti to those around me, and make people’s lives better!

I am going to make the best decisions in my life and pray when I need additional guidance.

See how much different that is? More calming…not running around being panicked all the time. I think I like this chicks’ way of thinking for sure…this book is amazing!

Just wanted to share a small piece from today’s read! ENJOY and PRACTICE it!

Rebecca MillerComment