The other day I found a thumb drive with files and pictures on it. I couldn’t believe what was on there…old birthday photos and ME at my heaviest weight - 215 lbs without me covering up myself. I couldn’t believe it…I honestly didn’t think I had these pictures anymore and thought I only had ones from 195 lbs…sooo to see this change and where I tried on this dress on Saturday for a wedding was a HUGE eye opener!

Sometimes you get discouraged that your progress isn’t moving fast enough, but it is!! Your body is remarkable of how it can transform and these pictures prove just that!

So while I have been not feeling my best self when it comes to the scale…when you compare these two…it is a HUGE eye opener that change is happening…it maybe slower than I want…but it is happening!

All I can say is that I am sooo much happier now and you can see it on my face…even my neck has lost weight! LOL

So whether you share your photos or not…if you are on a journey…take them and the measurements! You will be so proud of your accomplishments as you progress and keep going!

This is a result of consistency, amazing nutrition and fitness programs that I am on, and the support of a fit family on Facebook…truly these are LIFE CHANGING!!! - check the WORK WITH ME section for more details!

Rebecca MillerComment