Well this is 39!!

Do I feel like it? Heck no!! Honestly just another day for me, BUT.... I actually feel better today than I did 5 years ago!

Listening to Joel Osteen this morning, because you know what you fill your mind with matters, and he was talking about being grateful for today and focus on what you have vs. Not what you don't have.

So let's do that on my birthday... Let's be grateful for life today. What are you grateful for?? Tell me about it below!


Because I am seeing a lot of posts on people losing loved ones and it hurts my heart... So I want to pray for you and your family for strength and healing today, BUT I also want you to be grateful for your life as well... It's a gift to be here another day. #notpromisedtommorrow

I am grateful for this blessed life, life with Tony, and life with Shawn. I am grateful for an amazing family and friends, a stellar fit family filled with amazing coaches and challengers, and fantastic bosses who provide me with a wonderful job where I love to crunch numbers, because the nerd life is real and it fuels my soul. #nojokestraightupgratefulforthem

I am grateful for my health, my home, and the life I have been given.

So happy birthday to me ya'll... It's gonna be a great day of remote learning.. Lol I am claiming it right now... #lordhelpme .

Thanks for all the birthday wishes my peeps... You are awesome!!

Rebecca MillerComment