Sitting here at karate while little man gets his sweat on, and I look back at this picture and think WHAT IF??

What if I never gave myself a chance to start and stay consistent???

Where would I be today??

There is a lot that goes into this... Not only did I use an amazing nutrition program but I used several fitness ones too, BUT the thing that took the MOST work was my mindset and my belief that I could.. It is the hardest part!

The programs are simple enough to do... They truly are, we have modifiers, we offer meal plans, and recipes galore... I mean seriously ... They are laid out so flipping well that honestly you learn so much about yourself and your habits that it is very helpful going forward in life. They make you see things in a whole new light.

But the one thing that I honestly struggled with the most, was my attitude towards myself and my self worth.

I had a lot of self doubt that I could do this daily and now I love it.

My mindset has gotten the biggest transformation ya'll.

I didn't think I could, and yet here I am everyday showing up and doing things that I once thought were impossible.

For those who don't know me or are new to my page, I use to struggle with a really bad junk food addiction... I could eat 36 candy bars in a week, I could eat an entire pizza in one setting, and don't even get me started on the ice cream.... I loved it all... It was my emotional comfort.

But look where it got me? Obesity, high sugar, depression, tired, miserable, and a became a binge eater.

So when I see this before picture, a feeling of "WOW... I flipping did it" comes over me. It never gets old to know just how much you can grow out of your old habits and form new ones to make your life better.

I am glad the old me didn't give up...

I am so happy she went through the pain of soreness to get me here today. The constant excuses of I can't that she turned to I CAN... I couldn't have done it without her.

Never Say You can't ya'll... I once was there and if you want it bad enough, you CAN make things happen like I did.




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