HAHA I think my face says it all...I am a little star struck! The amazing and motivating Chris is leading us on a 4 week challenge retreat and there was over 6 pages of faces that showed up to his call last night. I took MOUNDS and MOUNDS of notes and shared our team call with my challenge group as their personal development assignment!

This man can make you believe in yourself, feel more confident within minutes, and make you feel like you have such purpose in your life!!!

Such heart and passion he spoke last night...all while being super humble. He is like you as coaches idolize me, BUT I am just human like you. I wish you could believe in yourself like you believe in me. #GOLD You got to see your FULL potential!

He went on to say without YOU, I couldn't be so successful. YOU are the reason I am, and you say you aren't confident?? You say you don't believe in yourself, but yet you show up everyday for yourself and your team and audience! They need to feel the new YOU...the POWERFUL you!!

EEEEEKKKKKK His program is hard as heck, but I LOVE IT! It makes you feel like you can power through anything!! He says I can give you a new perspective...a new outlook, but it takes WORK!

Wanna be apart of his program - message me and you will soon feel just how hard he can push you...BUT you will be amazed when you reach certain limits that YOU THOUGHT wasn't possible!

Thank you Chris for such an amazing call last night!!

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