I believe coaching has really helped me be a more positive person because I can be rest assured, I am in fact OK. Truly OK!! 

Before I would have been in this panic mode and been in a constant frenzy.... But not today. I am calm, stronger in my faith than ever, and feeling amazing and strong since I started coaching! 

It has really made me grow as a person and figure out just who I am, who I want to help in this business, and for that I am grateful! 

I didn't have the belief within as I do now, and while I am not where I want to be...YET...I am no where, where I used to be. #blessed

Coaching has allowed me to change my focus from the negative to all that is good. Where as some are in this panic and awful time are freaking out.... I see it as more time with my child and husband. They are my everything!! God will take care of the rest! 

We always say we don't have enough time for stuff... I believe this is a lesson for all of us to slow down and enjoy life!! Sure it might be scary... But there aren't REAL zombies out there... I mean really... You are at your warm and cozy home enjoying family, movies, games, chores, and more!

Without coaching, I could never see it this way. I have learned to control my junk food addiction with our amazing nutrition and fitness programs and they have completely changed my life for the better!! There is always something to be grateful for!! This business has changed me mentally and emotionally and for that... I am stronger!! 

So yes coaching can change your perspective on life, current situations, and even give you a killer physical transformation if you work for it!!

Thanks to Beachbody... Down 70 and enjoying my best life!!! 

If you are interested in learning more about coaching, you can apply here and watch a video to get more insight of what I do, but bottom line. I help people with their health and fitness goals using amazing programs both fitness and nutrition from Team Beachbody.

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