Day 19

DCT-T Shoulders went down today with some 10's... Ummm the burn was real and got in 4.5 rounds in 12 minutes not my greatest but I did my best... Love that we are doing new workouts every day and we only repeat one... All new... All the variety, and more!!

Loving this program! It is so fun!!

Today's thought

One day it happens

I remember wearing this jean jacket with this dress and holding Shawn and when I looked back at the picture, that gut was huge... I couldn't even come close to closing it... But look at me today... . I am there and it is actually big now.

One day it just happens ya'll... With consistency and effort it happens!!

Never would I have thought that hard gut could disappear like it has... Sure I am not perfect... But it feels good to try on older clothes (remember I hate shopping and I actually still have this dress... Time to clean out the closet ya'll!!) lol

So remember with daily effort and consistency... Anything is possible!!


I realize that I haven't shared my WHY for a while.

You ask what is that??

My WHY is simply my reason or my purpose for showing up for myself each day. It is why I workout, it is why I read personal development, it is why I never quit, it is why I am passionate about helping others who need it with their health and fitness goals.

So alert... A long vulnerable post ahead...

When I started 5 years ago... There were several reasons I had to start changing my health and habits for the better or I would have been in worse shape in my entire life... They were...

  • To fit in a dress for my sister's wedding... They brought me sizes 18-20 and they weren't zipping up. . Couldn't even get them any bigger. The one she picked was a max size of 16... Ummm I have work to do... Did I want too?? Nope... But my sister mattered to me and I did it for her and their gorgeous wedding! I was devastated and hurt that I truly let myself go. I was still wearing maternity clothes and hadn't realized that I packed on so much weight after Shawn was born. I never looked in the mirror at my full body... Life with a baby that had club feet made me care less and less about me and more and more about him and his well being.

  • I blacked out at work one day because my sugar got to high... My grandmother died of diabetes and I was headed straight to that if I didn't reign the junk food addiction in. I mean, I was eating 36 candy bars a week, entire pizzas, and more, so something had to be done. I was a new mom and had to be there for my family. I had to stop making unhealthy choices and choosing that over my life. It wasn't worth it, but my family was.

  • I was sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time.. Every month I would have a sinus infection and I stayed tired and had really bad sciatica pains that left me in tears daily. It was worse when I was pregnant and it was a constant struggle. I wanted so badly to play with my baby in the floor but I hurt when I got down there and I hurt when I tried to stand back up.

Can I say... That ain't living folks... I struggled a lot and I regret not taking action sooner. I regret that I let myself slide way back because I was stubborn... News Flash... Doing nothing doesn't serve you or make the future better... You got to start with real ACTION!!!

But the thing I don't regret is starting... Actually starting a program, actually starting to learn more about nutrition, actually working this coaching business, and learning that through personal development... My life can change.

Some of ya'll act like you don't deserve to be happy... That is a BS lie... Don't listen to the devil ya'll.

I promise you are worthy of change and capable of it too.

We had an amazing product info group today and I want you to know that you are invited to learn more about it... Your Invited to learn that these tools I use daily, changed everything for me.

But can I ask one thing of you.... Stop thinking you can't do this... Stop telling yourself it is expensive... Trust me, it legit isn't and we have a 14 day free trial to see if this is for you.

Don't be scared of it... Embrace it... Because without these programs, products, and my support team... I wouldn't be this happy today.

I run and play with Shawn now, my sugar is controlled with a healthy diet and exercise and I no longer fear blood work because I got this... And I have complete control of the food I feed myself, my fitness goals, and my mental health.

When you are READY for REAL LASTING change, let me know... I am always here to chat and guide you, because you don't have to say... They struggle is real anymore...

There is no struggle where I am at now...I am at peace, I am balanced, and I am happy.

You want that too?

Let's chat!

Rebecca MillerComment