Day 26

Total Body Tone was amazing with all the variety of weights and moves!! Loved it... Challenging but all good! .

Today's thought

You aren't losing, you are gaining...

I love that she said so many people give up on a fitness program because they focus on what they are losing and are not focused on what they can gain.

How true is that??

They start having this "I can't have" mentality and really that is really a depressing way to look at it. She teaches you HOW to have all the things, we are allowed to have desserts, and we can still eat out...she teaches all that... Life doesn't stop just because you decide you want to be healthy and fit. You just get better and recognize what doesn't serve you.

You really are gaining better health, better nutrition, better habits, better sleep when you start, better strength and endurance, and all the yummy food you get to try. So much possibilities for you when you have a better perspective.

So don't be focused on what you can't have... You gotta ask.. If it was so wonderful, why you feel like crap then .. Truth .... that is what I had to come to terms with... It wasn't serving me and when I came to terms with that... I didn't miss eating 36 candy bars a week.

Do I love chocolate??

You betcha... But I love feeling better MORE than what those habits made me feel like.

Priorities ya'll... We need them

Happy Friday...and yes I got to tell myself that because it's remote learning day ... I get to play teacher for today. #pleasedontfightmeboy

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