Have you ever said this is not worth it?

Have you ever said this is too hard, I am what I am and there is no changing me?

I used to do this before I started my journey and it was self sabotage at its finest and it wasn't until I discovered these 5 tips that I had a better mindset about myself and my life so I wanted to share them with you today:

1. Having a powerful WHY in your life is #1 because you need to be emotionally connected to something to make you care in the first place!! For me...that was being an active parent for my son and being able to keep up with him! What will drive you on the hard days? Without a powerful WHY, you will give up and quit! Work for something that MATTERS because just saying you want to be healthy and fit isn't really good enough....everyone wants that! This WHY is specific and emotional to ONLY YOU!!

2. I highly suggest you read a personal development book each month and you can start with the 5 Second Rule or the High Five Habit! This will give you something to focus on that is positive vs being negative! I also LOVE the Power of I Am by Joel Osteen! I am learning so much in the Goal Getter Bootcamp about myself and helping others along the way, but these personal development books are KEY to keeping your mindset ONGOING with HAPPINESS and JOY! Remember life can sometimes have struggles and being happy on those days will take EFFORT IF you don't know HOW to do it! These books will teach you HOW!

3. What does your future health and life look like? Everyone says I feel fine NOW...but they never think about the future and quality of life! I was headed down a health scare when my sugar was out of control because I had a junk food addiction! I didn't want future health consequences! Exercise and proper nutrition are can take supplements all day long BUT if you aren't fixing your nutrition or not getting in movement, then nothing changes! You can't continue to take in sugary crap and processed foods and expect the "supplements" to work it's magic. If you believe in that, then you believe in the quick fix and there is no such thing! You got to show up IN ALL ASPECTS to be healthy, fit, and strong...not just what YOU FEEL LIKE doing that day! When I came to terms with that, I became a powerhouse in my fitness journey and I feel amazing, fit, healthy, and strong because of it!

4. Fix your surroundings and that is including your people! If they are negative remove them...they aren't serving you! Fix up your environment to set you up for success and not tear you down! This includes your kitchen, your friends, your community, and your home! Your environment is everywhere and if it is toxic, you will have toxic behavior and habits! This was also covered in our Crush the Goals Challenge too! I love the things we discovered in our bootcamps because once you know HOW and WHAT needs changing - anything becomes possible!

5. Movement is key!! Get away from the TV and stop being a slave to your phone and go get some fresh air or do a workout at home! I can help with that!! I got programs of all variety for you and I promise it will release happy thoughts!

On March 21st I am hosting a 5 Day Free Challenge called "Love the Skin Your In" where we will work on a mindset that is healthy and one that will serve you better!

You will learn how to choose love over fear and learn ways on how to love yourself right now!

You are worth it and you can feel better if you truly want that for yourself!

Here are topics we will discuss:

Monday: Taming your inner critic
Your inner critic is lying to you
Being self-aware of your gremlin
How to tame your ego

Tuesday: Choosing love over fear
There is no bandwagon
Love vs. fear (and how to reframe your thoughts)
Love wins

Wednesday: Flex your self-love muscle
How to build and cultivate your self-love muscle
Self-love is not selfish
Dial up your worthy meter

Thursday: Ways to love yourself right now
For the mind
For the body
For the soul

Friday: Take out the trash
The trash you let in
How to let it go
Coming back to love

So make sure you are in my FREE Facebook Community!! Click the button below to get in the FREE CHALLENGE! We start March 21st and I want you to be ready!

Rebecca MillerComment