Make sure you are apart of my email list so you can get access to this and FUTURE FREE 5 Day Challenges!
We will be covering the following topics in this particular challenge:
Monday: How small steps lead to big success (and where to start)
The reason baby steps lead to big success
Knowing where to start
One small step you can start doing now
Tuesday: Why you need to ditch the diet culture
Why diet culture is toxic
How to get back to basics when it comes to nutrition
One small step you can start doing now
Wednesday: Misconceptions to unlearn about exercising
Letting go of the format myth
You don’t need to live at the gym
One small step you can start doing now
Thursday: Why your busy schedule is slowing you down
How being busy is affecting your productivity
The benefits of slowing down and resting
One small step you can start doing now
Friday: What mindfulness habits you should implement for a healthy lifestyle
What is mindfulness and why you need it
How to think like a monk
One small step you can start doing now
Click the button below to get on the list!